
wrong notes on guitar

Two Types of Wrong Notes on Guitar (and what to learn from each)

A sign that one is moving towards an advanced level of guitar playing is that wrong notes, mistakes and inaccuracies during practice do not bother him anymore. Rather, anything he does wrong is considered as an opportunity to learn and improve. What is a wrong note on guitar Because there is no universally accepted definition

Two Types of Wrong Notes on Guitar (and what to learn from each) Read More »

intermediate to advanced guitar

7 Signs you’re moving from intermediate to advanced on guitar

Determining whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced guitarist is not an exact science, and it cannot be answered based on what specific things you know (for example, if you can play barre chords, you’re an intermediate player, if you can sweep pick, you’re an advanced player, etc). The reason for this is that different

7 Signs you’re moving from intermediate to advanced on guitar Read More »

Intermediate guitar exercises

How to create your own intermediate guitar exercises

Q: Why should I create my own intermediate guitar exercises when there are so many available online? A: Because the exercises you design will address the specific issues you encounter during your practice sessions. Each exercise will be tailored to the guitar lick, riff, or solo that you are learning, focusing on the most difficult

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improvisation exercises

7 Guitar Improvisation Exercises to Get You Thinking Outside the Box

Does your improvisation on the guitar sound like a scale going up and down, or even worse, random notes with no sense of cohesion? If you already know what it takes to improvise on the guitar, but feel stuck rehashing the same ideas, the following exercises are designed to get you thinking in different ways.

7 Guitar Improvisation Exercises to Get You Thinking Outside the Box Read More »